Name before adoption : Eunsong
Name after adoption : Foxy
Adoption date : Feb. 2020
Jack rusell terrier. Female. 1.5m.

From new family :

She has had a good afternoon getting along with all dogs including husky, sleeping beside me on the couch now has been watching very inquisitive. missed you when you left.

Eunsongs harness and cheque will be mailed tomorrow thank you so much for giving her a better life in candad in 1 week she has adopted so well cant wait to see how the next few weeks and months go.(2019)

Hi, just a little update to brighten your day in these tought time. Foxy is learning to walk on a leash in our field she goes on her walk for the most part just dragging her long leash(birds are a big distraction lol).

she goes in the pond up to her knees seems to like water. Runs like the wind around in big circles loves her big husky friend maya. Still timid at times. We microchipped her and she had a checkup weighs 14.5lbs. We put gates on the ends of our deck so she can go in and out loves the sunshine.Thank you again for beliening in us. Stay healthy and safe!(2019)

Hi, Nice to hear from you it has almost been a year for foxy. She has come a long way in a year. She still loves other fur babies more than us. She feels safest in our bed she sleeps between us every night and loves to be massaged. During the day she still skittish with us. Takes her time to come and still cowers. Prefers her own space so doesn’t sit on the couch with us. She is free on the property and doesn’t leave it and chases squirrels and plays with the other dogs. She has had no health issues. If you have any ideas on how we can get her to come and not cower down. Foxy does not like to be picked up except when she goes for a car ride that she loves. overall we love her very much.(Jan.2021)

Hi Juhye Lee. Glad to hear Dambi was the same. We do lots with Foxy but she is always wairy. She does greet me when I get home like a long lost friend for about 20 seconds then puts her guard up again. She has sat with us lately a bit more so each week I do see improvement. She absolutely loves car rides and jumps in without prompting. I know she knows we are her pack. I love seeing her on your instagram so feel free to post. We did get another dog Jack who is 5 months old and they have bonded well. Thanks for connecting with me. Stay safe!(Jan.2021)

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